how will the paramedics know my child…has autism, can’t talk, has severe allergies, has a serious illness?

how will the paramedics know

When you have a kiddo with autism, one who’s nonverbal or one who doesn’t have fluent language, it can be really scary at times. One of those situations I worry about occasionally is what would happen if we were in a car accident and Justin and I were hurt. What if we were so incapacitated we couldn’t tell the paramedics that Jeremiah has autism, he can’t speak, he can’t follow their directions?

Not something we want to think about, but it’s best to be prepared.

So, when I came across these medical seat belt covers, I was thrilled. The first ones I saw were homemade, which you can definitely do, with a sort of nylon fabric and a permanent marker. If you’re not the best sewer (pointing finger at myself), I found a website where they sell them. It’s in the UK, but you can pay with a US credit card, no problem. (Don’t laugh, I didn’t know.)


You can find them here at Doe Doe’s Bibs and Beyond, or on her Facebook page

You can customize them for anything you want; conditions, illnesses, allergies. So cool. Please share this with others, as I know there are many families who are concerned about this issue and would love a solution like this. Thanks!

The administrator for the Doe Doe’s Bibs and Beyond Facebook page is very sweet and will answer your questions quickly. She’s getting swamped though, so be patient.


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